EasyGov.swiss now features Suva salary declaration and authorisation database
The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is expanding EasyGov.swiss, its online service desk for companies, for the second time this year: with release 1.5, the digital platform now assists small companies in particular with entering their salary data for their salary declarations to Suva. The debt enforcement service desk’s features are now available to associations, foundations and cooperatives too, while an authorisation database provides an overview of all professions in Switzerland that are regulated or require authorisation.
This further expansion of EasyGov will help entrepreneurs to reduce their paperwork.
Release 1.5 is already the online platform’s second major update this year. Companies which do not have their own payroll software can now enter their employees’ salary data directly and securely in EasyGov and simply send their salary declarations to Suva from there.
The features of the debt enforcement service desk, added in July 2019, have also been enhanced: now associations, foundations and cooperatives can use EasyGov to obtain extracts from the debt enforcement register and submit requests for debt enforcement proceedings too. The existing debt enforcement service desk operated by the Swiss Federal Office of Justice (FOJ) is to be taken down. Another new feature is the information database on exercising professions that are regulated or require authorisation in Switzerland. The existing authorisation portal at www.authorisations.admin.ch is to be deactivated and transferred completely to EasyGov with improved search and filter functions. Incorporating the debt enforcement service desk and authorisation database into EasyGov marks the next step in the process of concentrating the digital services of authorities in a single platform.
Numerous other government services can also be processed quickly and easily online on EasyGov. Over 16,000 companies are already using these services. Since November 2017, users have been able to register their company for the Commercial Register, OASI and accident insurance directly or make changes to their Commercial Register entry. More official services are to be integrated gradually and the portal is being optimised continuously.
Less red tape, more time for your core business EasyGov is part of the E-Government Strategy Switzerland adopted by the federal government, cantons and municipalities, which are committed to reducing paperwork for SMEs in partnership with business leaders. EasyGov is harnessing the potential offered by digitalisation and thus making it easier for companies and the authorities to exchange information. The service desk allows companies to conduct official business on a single online platform, saving SMEs time and money and simplifying data exchange at an administrative level.
Services offered by EasyGov.swiss version 1.5 The following official services are currently available on EasyGov:
Setting up a businessRegistering with the
- Commercial Register
- OASI (compensation offices)
- Accident insurance (Suva and private insurers)
Debt enforcement and requests for extracts from the debt enforcement register for companies, associations, foundations, cooperatives and private individuals
Loan guarantees for SMEs für Unternehmen, Vereine, Stiftungen Genossenschaften und Privatpersonen
Bürgschaften für KMU The government-accredited loan guarantee cooperatives facilitate access to bank loans for SMEs. Contact with the competent loan guarantee organisation can be initiated via EasyGov.
Suva salary declarations Companies which do not have their own payroll software can enter their salary data directly in EasyGov and then send it to Suva.
Authorisation database Overview of professions in Switzerland that are regulated or require authorisation at federal, cantonal and municipal level.
Contact/feedback: Fabian Maienfisch, Deputy Head of Communications and Media Spokesperson, State
Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Tel. +41 58 462 40 20, fabian.maienfisch@seco.admin.ch